S&T Poultry
Quality Free Range Table Birds
Mob: 07885 718195

Testimonials: Stephen Merritt
The Welsh Poultry Centre

"S&T Poultry have provided us with a number of birds over the years. Good quality stock is vital for our business.
We have stuck with Stephen because of the friendly service and good quality birds he bring us."

Primary Breeds

The primary breeds we offer are listed below. For more documentations see... here

Farm Ranger:
A yellow skinned and shank bird with brown feathers reaching weights of 3kgs by 82 days and heavier over a longer period. Firm textured and traditionally flavoured.

White Farm Ranger:
Similar to our 431 but with white feathers not brown. Capable of weights of 3.6kgs* over 91 days and reports of 4.5kgs* by 105 days from some clients.

Poulet Goulois:
Salmon pink feathers with white flesh an established French Label Rouge style chicken. Smaller than the Farm Rangers reaching 2.2kgs* over 84 days.

Naked Necks:
In either black feathered and legged or a red feather with either white or yellow legs. This is a specialist gastronomic free-range bird with tender and tasty meat of fine texture. An average weight of 2.3kgs* at 84 days.

Guinea Fowl:
Tender and tasty with an increasing demand in the British market place. We offer a heavy breed reaching 1.7kgs* at 84 days. An excellent meat bird.

Barbary Ducks:
Well known for their body confirmation, fast growth rate and meat quality.

Hubbard Breeds:
An alternative British sourced poultry breed that works well on free range units. Ask for more on the strenghts of this popular breed.

Ross Breeds:
The traditional, fast growing broiler breed used in mainly indoor units. These have particularly good confirmation at smaller finishing weights.

Table Duck

Duck is a popular meat and can provide that all important niche product range that can help differentiate your stall at the Farmers' Market.

Barbary Ducks:
Also known as Muscovy ducks, these are well known for their body confirmation, fast growth rate and meat quality .

Aylesbury Pekin Ducks:
Fast growing, this is the classic duck used in recipes like crispy duck. These are hardy and do well in wetter conditions.s

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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